It was kinda late dinner around 9pm, I went out with my relatives and had some late dinner due to the jam I got stuck during on my arrival from Penang to KL.
Went to Jaya33 and found one outlet, forgot the name of the outlet already. So, I order Pineapple Fried Rice (Thai Style). When it arrived, amazingly it came with an actual pineapple as a pot for the rice.
It presentation looks simple and nice with the pineapple but it all goes down to the tasting.
The rice was right, not too hard or soft for the fried style. It was moderate to my taste bud, don't have the Thai style taste. The rice was fried up to it's right yellow color but it dosen't have the Thai seasoning.
This is the 2nd dish I order extra cause I saw it in the menu and wanted to test it out.
As you can see again it come with a pastry bowl that look like a coconut. It's not a coconut, it actually bread for the curry that it was containing in it.
It's Chicken Curry in a Coconut, well the coconut is the bread and it's the best I had until now.
The curry was spicy, yes it is ... and very nice texture and a lot those nice curry flavors mixing up well with the spiciness of the curry. The chicken meat was tender and go well with the curry.
It have a nice sour taste at the end when you taste the curry. Lucky I order this as an extra, my aunt order something which takes 45min to arrived but it's not about the cooking, it's the bad services. Well the Curry Chicken in a Coconut is the only one thing is nice there beside the services.
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